Drag and drop your audio or video files anywhere on the screen
or use the designated upload area below.
Music Analyzer is an AI-powered tool that provides comprehensive analysis of audio files. It detects the key, BPM (beats per minute), Camelot wheel position, and mood of any uploaded song. The tool uses advanced AI algorithms to decode the emotional landscape of audio content, offering unique insights into the music's characteristics.
Curate your playlists based on different moods and evoke the right emotions in your audience. The Music Analyzer employs advanced AI algorithms to decode the emotional landscape of any audio or video content. Whether it’s the upbeat rhythms of joy, the soothing tones of calmness, or the electrifying beats of excitement, this tool accurately detects and categorizes the mood of your uploaded song, offering you a unique insight into the emotional journey of the music. With utilizing music emotion recognition algorithms you can find out if your music represents happy, sad, relax, aggressive or dance mood. Then, simply create your playlists as you wish.
Never miss a beat with this advanced Song BPM, Key & Camelot Finder. This tool precisely identifies the tempo of a song or a video, allowing you to groove in sync with the music. From slow ballads to heart-pounding anthems, this Music Analyzer tool can find Key, Camelot & BPM of any song in a matter of seconds while ensures you’re always in tune with the rhythm.
Music Analyzer utilizes sophisticated signal processing techniques, including frequency analysis and pitch detection, to identify the key signature of any audio or video with additional music insights.
After analyzing your masterpiece and getting essential information about it, does it require additional trimming? Navigate to the Audio Trimmer tool and trim unwanted parts of your audio. Or even something better, If you want to record a sound, podcast or sing a song use Voice Recorder tool, alternatively use the HPCP Chroma tool and follow real-time chromatic sound analysis so you can sing or play your instruments at the right scale or enhance your practice sessions with it. If you want to explore more, check out the Music Genre Finder to find out the dominant genres and sub genres of your musical masterpieces accompanied with AI powered descriptive text generator.